Sunday 31 May 2009

Sunday 31st May - 1st Challenge

Yesterday I met up with some fellow cyclists going to Israel in November. There were also some people just back from Malawi with lots of interesting stories to tell. I was impressed with the good team spirit and enthusiasm of fund raising for these trips despite the level of endurance required on some of the rides.

Today was approximately 25 miles around the Ellon area in Aberdeenshire with bright sunshine, but quite a brisk breeze which proved difficult on the second half. This was probably my first taste of how enduring things can get as it was quite hilly towards the end and the head on breeze had put extra pressure on my tired legs.

Many thanks to Evelyn who provided a wonderful barbecue and refreshments while we all recovered in her beautiful garden where stories of past cycling trips were exchanged until we were ready to head home.

Points to remember for next time - don't forget the sunblock - my arms and legs resemble red hot pokers today!

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